Many heroes, who don’t see themselves as heroes, gave testimony at the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI). In their mind, they only did what their conscience demanded of them. On the other hand, the Hydras, also, don’t see themselves as villains or criminals, but time and evidence will prove who is Hero; who is Hydra.
“In a time of universal deceit, speaking truth is a heroic act.”

Heroes need to be remembered and modelled;
Hydras exposed, indicted, convicted.
Heroes look
above and beyond
Welcome to Heroes & Hydras
As we begin this “Hero and Hydra” series1 some might consider Hydra-Heydrichite to be outrageous hyperbole as applied to “authorities” who conceived and enforced the COVID-narrative, but as evidence continues to escape aggressive censorship, we will, in coming months and years, come to know that what was done in the 1930s and ’40s was but a lesser prelude to a 2020s global, Utopian, criminal conspiracy2 — a final solution to the despised chaos of freedom / choice / agency without regard to age, gender, race, or ethnicity. Covidism3 became the dogma of most (naïve? captured? compromised? corrupted?) power elites on every level from local to global. Men and women with iron hearts became the norm. But, regardless of the risk, there were men, women, and even children of conscience and integrity who spoke up against the lies and crimes — becoming heroes.
1. First begun at Déjà Vu – Times:
3. A term coined by others perhaps as early as 2020.
For some of the COVID dogma see:

Saturday, July 13, 2024

#38: Dr. Julius Moses – GP in 1920s Berlin

A prescient warning from 1920s Berlin to physicians who have married science (i.e., pscience*) with crimes against humanity (thus becoming hydras).  
“DR. JULIUS MOSES was a general practitioner in Berlin between 1920 and 1932. He refused to conform to the developing mindset of German physicians who would eventually link theory and practice in medicine to a marriage between science and crimes against humanity.

“In 1930 seventy-five children died at the hands of grossly negligent doctors during vaccine injections. Dr. Moses informed the public. Thereafter he contributed to guidelines developed for scientific human experiments passed by the National Health Authority, stressing the individual rights of the patients.

“In 1932 Moses warned that in a National Socialist Third Reich the doctors’ duty would be to create a “new, noble humanity.” He warned further that only those patients who were curable would be treated. The incurably sick would be considered “human ballast,” “trash,” “valueless,” and “unproductive,” thus requiring that they be destroyed. His prescient warning would put him in jeopardy.

“Dr. Moses was the embodiment of the physician’s conscience. Even after Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party came to power in 1933, Moses, a Social Democrat, did not emigrate. In 1942, at age seventy-four, he was sent to the Theresienstadt concentration camp in Czechoslovakia, where he died of starvation shortly thereafter.”**
* Pscience is the corrupted offshoot of honorable Science. It is the inevitable consequence of man's obsessive pursuit and protection of power, gain, glory, and domination. Pscience is pseudo, psychopathic, propagandizing, plagiarizing, politicized, psy-opic, and above all, profit-obsessed, and profit-driven. This obsessive pursuit and protection by people without conscience is often enabled by naïve, trusting, or fear-filled acolytes. Pscience is a one-faith, one-dogma, heretic-fearing, self-deceiving, other-censoring system.
**Spitz, Vivien. Doctors From Hell: The Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans (pp. 1-2). Sentient Publications. Kindle Edition. (Bold emphasis added.)

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

#37: Bruce Pardy – Prof. Of Law, Queen’s U.

Heroes expose deliberate, destructive insanity. 

You represent their biggest risk: Law professor BLASTS Trudeau gov. for environment overregulation
(Canada Info | Jun 2, 2024 | Time ) at

Saturday, July 06, 2024

#36: Dr. John Witcher – ICU Doctor (Mississippi)

AJ DePriest: A lot of doctors and nurses left. In Mississippi, a doctor is running for governor, Dr. John Witcher, an amazing hero doctor. He was running an ICU where all of the patients were on remdesivir and he said, “That’s it. I’ve had enough.” He went to take all of his patients off the vents and the remdesivir and give them ivermectin.

“The hospital fired him immediately. He was escorted out and he lost his job. He is an amazing hero in this fight. He has saved more lives.”*

*Source: McCarthy, Ken. What the Nurses Saw: An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back ... Their Patients (Medical System Corruption) (p. 383). Brasscheck Press. Kindle Edition.