Many heroes, who don’t see themselves as heroes, gave testimony at the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI). In their mind, they only did what their conscience demanded of them. On the other hand, the Hydras, also, don’t see themselves as villains or criminals, but time and evidence will prove who is Hero; who is Hydra.
“In a time of universal deceit, speaking truth is a heroic act.”

Heroes need to be remembered and modelled;
Hydras exposed, indicted, convicted.
Heroes look
above and beyond
Welcome to Heroes & Hydras
As we begin this “Hero and Hydra” series1 some might consider Hydra-Heydrichite to be outrageous hyperbole as applied to “authorities” who conceived and enforced the COVID-narrative, but as evidence continues to escape aggressive censorship, we will, in coming months and years, come to know that what was done in the 1930s and ’40s was but a lesser prelude to a 2020s global, Utopian, criminal conspiracy2 — a final solution to the despised chaos of freedom / choice / agency without regard to age, gender, race, or ethnicity. Covidism3 became the dogma of most (naïve? captured? compromised? corrupted?) power elites on every level from local to global. Men and women with iron hearts became the norm. But, regardless of the risk, there were men, women, and even children of conscience and integrity who spoke up against the lies and crimes — becoming heroes.
1. First begun at Déjà Vu – Times:
3. A term coined by others perhaps as early as 2020.
For some of the COVID dogma see:

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

#34: Kimberly Overton – Registered Nurse

Kimberly Overton: Yes. Nurses saw a lot. Unfortunately, not all of us are speaking up and speaking out. In my opinion, the nurses could have stopped so much of this early on if we just all collectively stood up and said, “No.” The moment that they told us our patient couldn’t have an advocate at their side, we should have stood up and said, “Absolutely not.” We really could have stopped this.”*

“I ended up leaving, I ended up leaving bedside because I just couldn’t watch one more of my patients needlessly die when I knew that there was safe and effective treatment available. But the hospitals were denying this treatment to my patients. I just couldn’t do it. It just became too much of a burden for me to bear anymore.”**

There was no way I was going to be complicit in this and I resigned from my position. I said, “There’s no way that I’m going to advise these parents to vaccinate their children against this virus,” which, by the way, has a 99.9815% survival rate for children.***
*McCarthy, Ken. What the Nurses Saw: An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back to Save Their Patients (Medical System Corruption) (pp. 126-127). Brasscheck Press. Kindle Edition.
**Ibid., (p. 150).
***Ibid., (p. 151).
Kimberly Overton is a Registered Nurse in Hendersonville, TN with a background in Critical Care. In July of 2021, she founded Nurse Freedom Network to stand against the medical tyranny we are now facing. She is a graduate of Western Kentucky University and has worked in the healthcare industry for over 25 years, serving in both clinical and administrative roles.” Quoted from McCarthy, Ken. What the Nurses Saw: An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back to Save Their Patients (Medical System Corruption) (p. 164). Brasscheck Press. Kindle Edition.